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How to Prepare for Online Job Interview


Online interviews have seen tremendous popularity for the last few years Online Job Interviews can be considered as the new normal in the world of recruitment. In fact, several leading employers such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. use online job interviews for their recruitment process. In addition, online interview seems to be pretty comfortable for job seekers as they can attend the interview right from home or any other preferred place. Online interviews, however, also come up with few challenges, but if you prepare well and follow the right approaches, you will get the desired results. Statistically, over half of the firms use Online Interviews as part of their recruitment process. Meanwhile, in comparison with traditional in-person interviews, online interviews are more convenient and cost-effective as it saves a lot of time, reduces the costs involved in the interview process, removes geographical barriers, etc. for both candidates and employers. Now the question arises – How can you prepare for the Job Interviews online? Here are some tips for you?

1.     1.Ask all details about this format in advance


What type is it that they use? How long will the interview proceed? Which online tool is it using? How many reporters are going to interview you there? Do not expect to contribute again from the interviewer, but press for confirmation and call back a second time. What type is it that they use? How long will the interview proceed? Which online tool is it using? How many reporters are going to interview you there? Do not expect to contribute again from the interviewer, but press for confirmation and call back a second time.class="MsoListParagraphCxSpMiddle"> 

2.   2. Use your desktop or laptop but not your phone


Telephone networks will lose the call more quickly and do not get a decent signal when you expect it to be the best. You’re not going to look good at holding your cell phone, which can rock or jump about while you keep it to make the audience irritated. The best choices are your desktop computer (first choice), and your laptop.


3.    Get Familiar With Technology


This is the first and foremost thing to do while preparing for an online interview – to get acquainted with the technology and equipment required for online interviews. This will make you feel comfortable during the online interview with the tech resources. Moreover, nothing can be worse than that if you find out that your device or other tools are not functioning properly during the online interview, you must also make sure that your computer device, internet connectivity, etc. function properly and are consistent with the programme that will be used for the online interview. In the meantime, it is also advised that you create a distraction-free atmosphere for an interview with adequate lighting etc.

4.    Practice Beforehand 

If you have finished the framework, programme, or other tech tools awareness and training, you are now expected to do some online interviewing skills preparation to do well in the actual interview. You can use different online tools to help you prepare questions of interviews over an immersive interview atmosphere to make you more optimistic during the interview itself. Besides the requisite technical skills, to have a good impression on the interviewer you need to learn about the business outlook as well as its mission, goods, feedback etc. Also, it's advised that you answer any general online interview questions that the businesses pose.

5.    Be Prepared

It is highly recommended that you should not think Internet Interviews any less than In-Person Interviews. You are expected to turn up on time for the call, or even 10-15 minutes sooner, since it can take you some time to log in or continue further. It will cost you a little bit of tardiness by your hand and you might even miss the chance at the moment. Early arrival will also allow you to feel relaxed, and encourage you to concentrate on the interview. You must also ensure you have downloaded the appropriate programme or applications in advance and are ready to go at the scheduled interview time.

You can use Skype to play the session with a friend. It exaggerates your movements and nervous actions on video. Look out for your facial expressions and nonverbal clues. According to the camera. Focus on the interviewer completely, and try to forget the camera. You need to look into the camera, so the viewer is looking at your eyes and not down. Movements should be slow. Best not to move too much. Your pose and self-confidence are being assessed here. Be sure to frequently exude these traits, and smile. Show work interest and enthusiasm.

6.    Pay attention to the back ground and lighting

Keep the surroundings uncluttered and transfer all obstacles so that they do not mess with the camera that reflects on you, and not the light pole that rises out of your head. Be sure to be in a tranquil spot. Great with a clear context. Don't lie on your bunk, because it gives a bad feeling. Test the lighting and see how your face looks at the time of day the interview you are about to do. You want ideal lighting so without shadows we look at your features. You may need to add a light to one side or in front of your face so to keep your entire self well lit out of camera view.

7.    Dress Professionally

While you would not meet the interview in person, you are always expected to prepare professionally as you would for an interview in person. Many applicants make the same error and don't get dressed correctly which often has a bad effect on their selection chances. For online conferences, you can do some research on general dress codes too. You're also expected to do better with your body language, such as stance, hand movement, etc., and note one thing that really counts for the first impression. Often, make proper eye contact with the interviewer as it will let him know that the conversation is focused on you.

8.    Keep Your Resume and Other Documents on the Table

Suppose the interviewer asks you questions from your curriculum vitae during an online interview or advises you to write something down and you have neither your curriculum vitae nor pen / paper aside. In reality, that would be a big let-down and you might also risk your chances of the further interview process. Therefore, during the online interview, you must have a diary, ink, resume and other required documents in your sight-line to avoid any inconvenience or mishaps. You can also keep your useful notes for reference purposes, along with you.

9.    Listen Carefully and Speak Clearly

You are expected to listen closely and attentively to the interviewer in an Online Interview. And if you can't remember what the interviewer said in one go, you should ask for the explanation, or you can ask to hear everything. You are also highly urged not to interrupt the interviewer while he/she is talking, but rather to let him/her complete first, and then ask or tell accordingly. In addition, your listening skills are a big part of your overall identity during online interviews so you need to talk very plainly to concisely to stop mumbling or a very long pause to have a good impression.

10. Write down you answers

Look at the questions that you are likely to be asked. Many will require an example to answer. Write out replies. When you're not on the spot you can craft the best response. Think through examples of work, and pick the better ones that make you shine in the eyes of employers.

11. Follow up after the Interview

And yes, after the online interview do not forget the Follow-Up process. Thanks to the interviewer for giving you the chance and the time. This will help you build a professional bond with the interviewer, which will benefit you in the further process of interviewing. Although you do need discretion, you will also follow up via email or phone calls to communicate your enthusiasm and concern about the work. However, if the interviewer provides you with the date for the next round or further process, try not to meet him by the scheduled deadline.

So, there are some tips for scheduling online interviews that you should take into consideration. Meanwhile, what you need to do apart from these tactics is feel assured and relaxed in front of the interviewer and give your best in the interview.

How to get ready for the interview in brief:


·         Download the app in advance so you'll have the chance to get used to it.

·         Build a technical nickname, such as a variant on your own name, as it appears as visible on your resume.

·         Professional wear, even while lying down. Carry good trousers and shoes, since you never know when to get up. Dressing up the role would also help you get your head into the game.

·         Clear your office, and any debris behind you, so it doesn't reflect on the screen. You don't want to distract your interviewer from visible activity in the room, or presume that your disorganised environment is an indication of how you'd be doing as a job.

·         Make sure you're in a private room, where people, pets, and so on won't bother you. Switch off the ringer, any sensors and other devices that might disturb.

·         Get a sheet of paper and a marker ready so you won't be trying to find it later.

·         If you have to refer to dates, work names or figures, have a copy of your CV in your sight-line.

·         Smile and relax as soon as possible, and try to appear as though you were in a daily interview. Look at the frame, listen closely and get engaged with the interviewer. Don't just wait to speak up for your turn.

·         Train with your camera equipment before the interview, so you're confident that all is in order and that you're getting a relaxed conversation on film. 


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