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All 40+ Engineering Types Which You Want to Know or All Types of Engineering Fields

 Most people asked about Engineering Types Types & Engineering of degrees

So we have the answers of this question in this article.

Engineering Types of degrees

In this world, the Engineering field is one of the important field. Due to humans need. Now human needs technology in their life, to make life more comfortable. Engineering equipment's, Engineering structures and various Engineering types are important. Most Engineering types are dependent upon the necessity of the area.

For e.g. to work on ships we need engineers therefore there is naval Engineering and marine engineering type is included in the Engineering.

There are more than 200 types of engineering in this world but all of the types are originated from 10 types of engineering.

What are that 10 types of engineers?

Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Information Technology Engineering, Bio medical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Robotics Engineering.

What are the 6 types of engineers?

Most popular 6 engineering types are:

Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Information Technology Engineering.

Engineering is a broader stream and with so many different types of engineering to choose from, it can be difficult to limit what is right for you. To help you decide, you should try to identify what you like. What makes you happy, and where do you spend your free time? All forms of engineering involve some form of problem-solving (and often focused on simplifying life), but which engineering-related solution gives you the biggest buzz? If you choose a subject that you are naturally interested in, you will find it easier to stay motivated during your studies and stay involved in the topic while doing engineering work.

Engineering is discipline and expertise that uses scientific ideas, mathematical methods, and powerful evidence for designing, creating, and analyzing technological solutions that know safety, human resources, physical laws, regulations, operations and costs. In modern times, engineering is generally considered to consist of the major branches of chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. [1] There are many other engineering topics and various courses that may not be part of these major engineering branches.

There are many types and many types of engineering. Because when it comes to foundations, engineering is about using special knowledge bases to solve a problem. As we encounter various problems, we have an equally diverse range of engineering fields, many of which are very specialized, designed to solve those problems.

Now we will see some Engineering Types

1)    Aerospace Engineering

This engineering type is concerned with aircraft and spacecraft development. There are two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical and aerospace engineering. Avionics engineering is comparable but deals with aerospace engineering’s electronics side.


2)    Textile Engineering

This engineering type is concerned with fiber being converted into yarn, and yarn into fabric. Textile manufacturing is a major industry. These are then made into clothes, dyed or printed. To produce yarn, different kinds of fibers are used. The most important natural fiber remains cotton, so it is deeply treated. At the spinning and fabric-forming stages, many variable processes are available for the production of a wide range of products, coupled with the complexities of the finishing and coloring processes.

3)    Agriculture and Food Engineering

This Engineering type is a multidisciplinary field that, for food and related industries, combines microbiology, applied physical sciences, chemistry and engineering. The application of the principles of agricultural engineering, mechanical engineering and chemical engineering to food materials involves, but is not limited to, food engineering. The technological knowledge transfer essential for the cost-effective production and commercialization of food products and services is provided by food engineers. Physics, chemistry, and mathematics are essential to the food industry’s understanding and engineering of products and operations.

4)    Pulp and Paper Engineering

This engineering type is concerned with the use of mathematics in combination with the use of physical science (e.g. chemistry and physics) and life sciences (e.g. biology and biochemistry) as applied to the conversion of raw materials into useful paper products and co-products.[1] The field applies different process engineering principles and unit operations to the production of paper products.

5)    Biological Science and Bio engineering

This engineering type is to create usable, tangible, economically viable products is biological engineering, bio-engineering or bio-engineering. Biological engineering uses the knowledge and expertise of a variety of pure and applied sciences, such as mass and heat transfer, kinetics, bio catalysts, bio mechanics, bioinformatics, processes of separation and purification, bioreactor design, surface science, mechanics of fluids, thermodynamics, and polymer science.

6)    Production and Industrial Engineering

This engineering type is an interdisciplinary field of engineering involving manufacturing technology, engineering science, management science, and complex processes, systems, or organizational optimization. It deals with the comprehension and application of engineering processes in production processes and production methods. Industrial engineering, initiated in the 1700s by Sir Adam Smith, Henry Ford, Eli Whitney, Frank Gilbreth and Lilian Gilbreth, Henry Gantt, F.W. Taylor, etc., dates back to the industrial revolution. Industrial and production engineering evolved globally after the 1970s and began to make widespread use of automation and robotics. There are three areas of industrial and manufacturing engineering: mechanical engineering (where production engineering comes from), industrial engineering, and management science.

7)    Biotechnology

This engineering type is a broad area of biology, involving the development or manufacture of products through the use of living systems and organisms. It often overlaps with associated scientific fields, depending on the tools and applications. Biotechnology has expanded to include new and diverse sciences, such as genomics, recombination gene techniques, applied immunology, and the development of pharmaceutical therapies and diagnostic tests in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. In 1919, "Karl Ereky" first used the term "biotechnology," meaning the production of products from raw materials with the aid of living organisms.

8)    Petroleum Engineering

This engineering type is which deals with activities related to the production of hydrocarbons that can be either crude oil or natural gas. Exploration and production are considered to fall within the oil and gas industry's upstream sector. The two main subsurface disciplines of the oil and gas industry are exploration by earth scientists and petroleum engineering, which focus on maximizing the economic recovery of hydrocarbons from subsurface reservoirs.

9)      Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering

The application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare (e.g., diagnostic or therapeutic) purposes is biomedical engineering (BME) or medical engineering. Traditionally, BME is also known as "bioengineering," but this term has come to refer to biological engineering as well. This field seeks to close the gap between medicine and engineering, combining engineering 's skills in design and problem solving with medical biological sciences to advance health care, including diagnosis , monitoring, and therapy.


10)           Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture

This engineering type is also known as Marine engineering, oceanographic engineering and ocean engineering, involves the engineering of boats, ships, oil rigs and any other marine vessel or structure. In particular, marine engineering is a field in which engineering sciences, including mechanical engineering , electrical engineering, electronic engineering and computer science, are applied to the development , design, operation and maintenance of propulsion systems for watercraft and on-board systems and oceanographic technologies. This includes, but is not limited to, marine vehicle power and propulsion plants, machinery, piping, automation and control systems of any kind, such as surface vessels and submarines.


11)           Ceramic Engineering

This engineering type is the science and technology for creating objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials. This is done using precipitation reactions from high-purity chemical solutions either by the action of heat, or at lower temperatures. The term covers the purification of the raw materials, the study and manufacture of the chemical compounds in question, their component formation and the study of their structure, composition and properties.

12)           Chemical Engineering

This engineering type is an engineering branch that uses the principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, and economics to use, manufacture, design, transport, and transforms energy and materials effectively. The work of chemical engineers can range from the laboratory use of nanotechnology and non material's to large-scale industrial processes that convert the useful forms and products of chemicals, raw materials, living cells, microorganisms, and energy.

13)           Chemical Science and Technology

This engineering type is an engineering branch that uses the principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, and economics to use, manufacture, design, transport, and transforms energy and materials effectively. The work of chemical engineers can range from the laboratory use of nanotechnology and non material's to large-scale industrial processes that convert the useful forms and products of chemicals, raw materials, living cells, microorganisms, and energy.

14)           Civil Engineering

This engineering type is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design , construction and maintenance, including public works such as roads , bridges , canals, dams, airports, sewerage systems, pipelines, structural components, and railways, of the physical and naturally constructed environment.

15)           Computer Science and Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) at many universities is an academic program that includes aspects of computing in science and engineering. CSE is also a term often used in Europe for the translation of computer science disciplines.

16)           Electrical Engineering

This engineering type is a discipline of engineering concerned with the study, design and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism equipment, devices and systems. In the latter half of the 19th century, after the commercialization of the electric telegraph, telephone and electrical power generation, distribution and use, it emerged as an identifiable occupation.


17)           Electrical and Power Engineering

This engineering type is, also called power systems engineering, is a sub field of electrical engineering that deals with the generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization of electric power, and the electrical apparatus connected to such systems. While most of the field is concerned with the three-phase AC power issues, the standard for large-scale transmission and distribution of power across the modern world, The conversion between AC and DC power and the development of specialized power systems, such as those used in aircraft or for electric railway networks, are a significant part of the field. Power engineering draws from electrical engineering the majority of its theoretical basis.

 18)           Electronics Engineering

This engineering type is a field of electrical engineering that uses nonlinear and active electrical components (such as semiconductor devices , particularly transistors and diodes) to design electronic circuits, devices, integrated circuits and their systems. Electronic engineering (also called electronics and communication engineering) Passive electrical components are also typically designed by the discipline, usually based on printed circuit boards.

19)           Electronics and Communication Engineering

20)           Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering

21)           Electronics and Electrical Engineering

This engineering type is specialized field of communication electronics (C-E) is the use of electronic devices and systems for the acquisition or acceptance, processing, storage, display, analysis, protection, disposal and transmission of information.


22)           Engineering Physics

The study of the combined disciplines of physics, mathematics, biology, social science and engineering, in particular computer, nuclear, electrical, electronic, aerospace, materials or mechanical engineering, refers to engineering physics or engineering science. By focusing strictly on the scientific method, it seeks ways of applying, designing and developing new engineering solutions.


23)           Industrial Engineering

This engineering type is an engineering profession that is concerned with optimizing the development, improvement and implementation of integrated systems for people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy and materials for complex processes, systems or organizations.

24)           Instrumentation Engineering

This engineering type is an engineering branch that studies the measurement and control of process variables, as well as the design and implementation of integrated systems. Pressure, temperature, humidity, flow, pH, force and speed are process variables.

ICE combines two engineering branches. The science of measuring and controlling process variables within a production or production area is instrumentation engineering.[1] In the meantime, control engineering, also called control systems engineering, is the engineering discipline that applies control theory to the design of systems with desired behaviors.


25)           Manufacturing Science and Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering is a professional engineering branch that shares with other fields of engineering such as mechanical , chemical , electrical, and industrial engineering many common concepts and ideas. Manufacturing engineering requires the ability to plan manufacturing practices; to research and develop tools, processes, machines and equipment; and to integrate facilities and systems with the optimum capital expenditure for producing quality products.

26)           Material Science and Engineering

Under this engineering type designing and discovering new materials are comes. Particularly solids, is the interdisciplinary field of materials science, also commonly called materials science and engineering. The intellectual origins of materials science stem from the Enlightenment, when researchers began using analytical thinking from chemistry, physics, and engineering to understand ancient metallurgical and mineralogical phenomenological observations. The science of materials still incorporates physics, chemistry, and engineering elements. As such, the field has long been considered by academic institutions to be a sub-field of these related areas. In the 1940s, materials science began to be recognized more widely as a specific and distinct field of science and engineering, and major technical universities around the world created dedicated schools for its study.

27)           Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

This engineering type is a peer-reviewed Open Access scientific journal published by the Serbian Metallurgical Engineers Association. Metalurgija, published in 1995, was the first name of the journal. In 2012, the new name was adopted. In the area of metallurgy and materials, the journal publishes contributions on fundamental and engineering aspects.

28)           Mathematics and Computing Engineering

This engineering type is an engineering branch that integrates several computer science and electronic engineering fields required to develop hardware and software for computers. Instead of software engineering or electronic engineering, computer engineers typically have training in electronic engineering (or electrical engineering), software design, and hardware-software integration.

From the design of individual micro controllers, microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit design, computer engineers are involved in many hardware and software aspects of computing. This engineering field focuses not only on the functioning of computer systems themselves, but also on how they integrate into the larger picture.


29)           Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is a branch of engineering that combines the principles of engineering physics and mathematics with the science of materials to design, analyze, produce and maintain mechanical systems. It is one of the engineering branches' oldest and broadest.

Knowledge of core areas such as mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity is required in the mechanical engineering field. In addition to these core principles, tools such as computer aided design ( CAD), computer aided manufacturing ( CAM) and product lifecycle management are used by mechanical engineers to design and analyze manufacturing facilities, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, watercraft and others. It is the engineering branch that includes machinery design, manufacturing, and operation.


30)           Metallurgical Engineering

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, published by the Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, is a peer-reviewed Open Access scientific journal. Metalurgija, published in 1995, was the first name of the journal. In 2012, the new name was adopted. The journal publishes papers on fundamental aspects of metallurgy and materials engineering.

31)           Mining Engineering

32)           Mining Machinery

The extraction of minerals from beneath, above or on the ground is mining in the engineering discipline. Mining engineering, such as mineral processing, exploration, excavation, geology and metallurgy, Geo technical engineering and surveying, is associated with many other disciplines. Any phase of mining operations, from exploration and discovery of mineral resources, through feasibility research, mine design, development of plans, production and operations to mine closure, can be managed by a mining engineer.


33)           Ocean Engineering and Industrial Engineering

Ocean engineering, as well as oceanographic engineering or ocean engineering, involves the engineering of boats, ships, oil rigs, and any other marine vessel or structure. In particular, marine engineering is a field in which engineering sciences, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering and computer science, are applied to the development, design, operation and maintenance of propulsion systems for watercraft and on-board systems and oceanographic technologies. This includes, but is not limited to, marine vehicle power and propulsion plants, machinery, piping, automation and control systems of any kind, such as surface vessels and submarines.

34)           Environmental Engineering

This engineering type is a field of professional engineering that uses broad scientific topics such as chemistry, biology, ecology, geology, hydraulics, hydrology, microbiology and mathematics to create solutions that protect and improve the health of living organisms as well as the quality of the environment. A sub discipline of civil engineering, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering is environmental engineering.

35)           Engineering Science

36)           System Science Engineering

This engineering type is an engineering and engineering management interdisciplinary field that focuses on how complex systems can be designed, integrated, and managed over their life cycles. At its core, systems engineering uses principles of system thinking to organize this knowledge body. An engineered system, the individual outcome of such efforts, can be defined as a combination of components that work in synergy to perform a useful function collectively.

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