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SUPER CREATIVE, huh? Checkout these 10 Awesome Engineering Careers


1. Web Developer/ Designer

The web developer's role is to build a website that is unique to the client's needs, including the overall look and feel, functionality and features. Depending on the client, the actual code writing is often done by one person (the web developer) and the actual design of the site is performed by another individual (the web designer) using programs such as Photoshop.

And, today, web designers need to come up with website templates for all sorts of devices — including phones , tablets , laptops, and desktops. So, they have the challenging yet exciting task not only of designing beautiful sites, but also of producing designs that look fantastic in many different sizes and with all the various interfaces and functions required for each app. 

Skills and Background:  image editing, site mapping, HTML, CSS, Java, PHP, layout,  graphic design


2. Visual Designer

Visual designers are responsible for integrating their creative vision with technology to create ideas for anything from logos and product designs to brochures, advertising and websites. Visual designers use software like the Adobe Creative Suite to illustrate and create concepts that can be used by their clients for clear branding and name recognition.

Think of visual design as creating identities, or what you recognise as an image of a company or a brand when you see it. Successful visual design is consistent and recognisable, making it easy for customers to connect to the company wherever they see it. And it's so effective that it makes a good (hopefully positive!) impact and sends a clear message about the company's mission and values.

Most of this work is performed by graphic designers when it comes to print or physical media. Yet in the digital world, graphic designers are the ones who create a strategy and tools for the way a business or brand is represented.

Skills and Background: image editing, Art, marketing, sales, graphic design,  typography

3. User Experience Designer

User experience, or UX, is all about the often intangible experience of browsing the website or app. UX defines how the user feels when browsing your mobile menu, clicking on your contact information, or just looking at your logo.

The main goal of the UX designer is to create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere that encourages users to take specific action, such as staying on a page for more than 10 seconds, subscribing to a newsletter, or finishing a checkout process. And their work can be very specific, such as developing brand guidelines for a whole site or more granular, such as choosing the right color palette to make users feel at home on a medical website, or streamlining the process of purchasing a skirt with PayPal.

UX is often clustered in the same category as the UI or user interface design. Technically, they’re not exactly the same: UI has more to do with the actual visual layout of the site or app (or its interface), while UX focuses more on the processes and overall experience of using the site. Still, it's a good idea to look for both UX and UI jobs if you're trying to get into the industry.

Skills and Background: HTML and CSS, A/B testing, Mockups and graphic design with tools like Photoshop and Illustrator, User personas/avatars, Site mapping and user flows, Wireframing with tools like Invision, or Axure , Figma, Adobe XD,  Analytics with programs like Google Analytics or HubSpot

4. Front-End Developer

Front-end developers handle a wide variety of activities, but the basics are this: they take static prototypes (often created by UX designers!) and transform them into fully functional websites and applications. Although front-end developers don't generally spend as much time changing color palettes and worrying about how a certain shade of green would make you look, they still have to keep imagination going. There are an endless number of ways to turn a design mockup into a working website, and as a creative person, you’re going to be able to come up with solutions in ways no one else has ever imagined.

Front-end developers work in organisations of all shapes and sizes, and are frequently avid freelancers as well. As a freelancer, you will be responsible for preparing and executing several tasks to create a platform from scratch. Working with larger companies, however, will give you the opportunity to become more specialized if you choose to do so (that's where responsive design and JavaScript skills would come in REAL handy).

Skills and Background: HTML and CSS, CSS preprocessors, like Sass or LESS, Responsive web design, JavaScript and jQuery, JavaScript libraries, like React JS & Git and GitHub

5. Augmented Reality Designer

You probably heard about Niantic 's new mobile app, Pokemon Go, unless you've had your head under a rock. If you played it, you know that the app takes Pokemon's interactive gaming world and places it in the real world. Users can "hunt" Pokemon in their own communities, collect supplies at real-life places, and even take images of Jigglypuffs and Eevees at their favorite diners.

Augmented reality is a increasingly rising market, only partially realized in Pokemon Go. When these developments rise, job growth will also rise. The aim of the augmented reality designer is to seamlessly combine the digital world with the physical one, creating an unparalleled user experience. Moving beyond gambling and entertainment, this technology could potentially be applied to issues like education and medicine.

Skills and Background:  graphic design, animation, Programming, interfacing, layout, photography, geography, history, digital art

6. Digital Marketer

Depending on the company and its needs, digital marketers can monitor all inbound marketing efforts or simply focus on a specific marketing area such as social media or increasing search traffic (SEO). Others may be overseeing partnership programs such as gifts and syndication strategies.

All the ad campaigns are paid for. You know the sponsored posts that show up in your Instagram feed? The digital marketer or digital marketing department possibly played a part in this.

Digital marketing often involves content management activities such as preparing an editorial calendar (for fun theme months on the site’s blog), writing interactive guides or e-courses, or even working on multimedia campaigns, like a YouTube video series or podcast.

Skills and Background: Data analysis, Landing page and email campaign creating and reporting,Paid advertising and social media ad buying, SEO best practice knowledge, Social media strategy and analytics, Partnership strategy and sponsored content

7. Game Designer

When technology advances, games are available on a variety of devices, including traditional gaming consoles, portable consoles, cell phones, desktop computers , laptops, tablets, e-readers, and more. Social media plays a major role in spreading the word about hot new games, and even the most casual player seems to have a dozen new play options launched every week.

As a game designer, you 'd be responsible for creating the core of the game. You would set a theme, create a rulebook, set characters and plot arcs, if applicable, and set the atmosphere for players. In some instances, you might even be able to flex your writing muscles and create a character dialog in the game.

Usually, you are not expected to write or program any specific code as a game designer. Alternatively, you will be responsible for solving problems and thinking fast on your feet, anticipating the possible behaviours of the game players and what the consequences of those behaviours will look like in the game. It will flex all your creative muscles in a fast-paced, demanding environment.

Skills and Background:multimedia art, Problem solving, writing, storytelling

8. Multimedia Artist/Animator

As technology has advanced, so is the way visual artists and animators work. While traditional art is still very common in the industry, graphic art and computer animation are still very common. If you are good at both, you are even more likely to succeed. Multimedia artists and animators mainly produce visual effects for games, movies , TV shows, advertisements, corporate videos and more. When increased reality becomes more prevalent and technology continues to evolve, the demand for good multimedia artists will continue to rise.

Skills and Background: Multimedia, computer animation,digital art

9. Product/ Packaging Designer

Product and packaging designers hone their craft not only to attract customers but to use their designs to get customers to spend their money. This work includes expertise in painting, experience with assembly, and experience with current trends. You've got to have an eye for color , design, style, and be very attentive to detail.

Digital packaging design is also a niche in this job market — because online shopping is so big, both in terms of popularity and options, how digitally you present a product makes a big difference in sales.

Skills and Background: typography, marketing and sales, graphic design, Multimedia art,Current trends

10. Mobile Designer

Mobile designers are responsible for designing applications that can be used on smartphones, tablets and other portable devices that are sensitive, stylish and simple to use.

As a mobile designer, it's up to you to tap into what customers need to make their everyday lives more productive, because so many of them use their mobile devices to function. Instead, it may be up to you to make the everyday lives of customers more enjoyable and exciting by creating devices that keep their minds engaged and occupied while they're not at work. The demand for mobile designers is growing all the time as our handheld devices become smaller and smarter, so you need to be on your toes and ready to adapt to change at all times.

Skills and Background: streamlining content, interfacing, Familiarity with mobile operating systems, layout,  touch screen integration, data management and analysis





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